

Our Culture

ĵµ¤Ö±²¥ culture

Providing Top Utility Vegetation Management Jobs and a Great Place to Work

At ĵµ¤Ö±²¥, we put safety first. Always.

Beyond that, our culture always has been, and always will be, about one thing: people. It’s about our employees, customers, and the communities our customers serve.

We engage the best people and make them better to foster resiliency, environmental stewardship, compliance, stakeholder partnerships, and safer communities. We’re the only independent national vegetation management consulting firm – giving us the freedom to put our clients first. This focus on independence is a key tenant of our culture.

Our culture is unique, not only in our industry, but around the world. We provide trust and support to our team unparalleled in other companies. Our roots run deep as company, and we’ve created our success by relying on our people. Over the last three decades we’ve grown exponentially, and we’ve created a culture that rewards our employees with the opportunity to grow personally and in their careers.

We have an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) for eligible employees. This means that your role here is not just a job, it’s an investment into your future. It means that, along with your team members, you’ll have a hand in our ongoing growth and success. With nearly 30 years of service and exceptional growth, exciting things continue to happen at ĵµ¤Ö±²¥.

Because our culture is built around people, we’ve made the growth and development of our team a top priority.

If you excel in a culture that values independence and growth, then we encourage you to join our team at ĵµ¤Ö±²¥. See our open jobs at vegetation management jobs or see all the at ĵµ¤Ö±²¥ Services.

In order to achieve a budget reduction and an 80% decrease in workload, we had to think differently about what we were doing. We had to be innovative. Arborcision and ĵµ¤Ö±²¥ helped us turn our data into business intelligence that has provided us enhanced safety, rate stabilization, and increased reliability.

Tim Thompson, CEOLake Region Electric Cooperative